It was our first time at Mickey’s Halloween Party with Lexi. The one and only time we had been to one was with our friends years before we had Lexi and it was an interesting expereince. This time we were excited to see how different it would be now that we are parents.
It was certainly different. 🙂
First of all, the 7 pm start time was suddenly a challenge, especially on those days without a nap. We did all we could to get Lexi to nap but she was just WAY to excited to be in Orlando to relax. So she stayed up full of energy until we were all dressed and got into the Disney bus. We made quite a spectacle while walking through the lobby to get to the Disney bus stop. People were stopping to look at us, children were running up. One family “chased” us all the way to the bus station and shyly asked if their toddler could say hi to me because she was convinced I was Anna.
It was actually kind of nice to “pretend” to be a princess for someone. She was absolutely smitten. It was so sweet.
Once we got into the bus, she fell asleep after asking to nurse (that must have been a funny sight: Anna nursing Elsa. Luckily we were the only ones in the bus). Upon arrival, we transferred her in the stroller and got our party tickets at Will Call. It is a new development for us to be able to take her asleep and transfer somewhere especially the stroller. Quite amazing for someone who would wake up every time the transfer would occur for 2.5 years.
Once again, while we waited, we were asked to take pictures with people.
Oh, check out Lexi’s shoes, these are silver Pedipeds that we had at home and they couldn’t be more perfect for her outfit. I loved them so much, I had to take photos just of the shoes 🙂 They are silver Delaneys in case anyone is as in love with them as I am!
All the decorations and lighting were incredible. I didn’t get to take too many photos of the park because it was pretty crowded and we had a different goal in mind, but I wish I had taken the time.
At some point Lexi woke up and was NOT a happy camper. We were able to quickly engage her with sights and a promise of ice cream and were off to see what the party was all about.
Unfortunately, I thought the trick or treating places were pretty few and far in between, which was disappointing, since that was a big part of why we wanted to visit the party. Last time we went there were characters EVERYWHERE giving out candy, so you were able to meet all Disney friends without any lines, up close and personal.
This year they had workers give out candy in some of the most random places. Since there was not much to do that was holiday themed aside from tracking down the most hidden trick or treat places or waiting in long lines to meet characters, we went to do what we do best: ride rides. Small World and Cinderella’s Carousel were her musts as usual.
Then we got our spot for the parade which was pretty cool with its villain themed floats. She watched the whole time, while sitting on daddy’s neck and waved to all the characters.
The parade was followed by the fireworks, again Halloween themed.
And finally the unexpected highlight of the night: meeting Anna and Elsa, the real deal ( well, as real as they get). The wait was 30 minutes, which is technically more than what we would normally accept, but considering during the day this wait goes up to 2 hours, we figured we would stand in line, since Lexi was full of energy.
While standing in line, we once again met a few girls who were both obsessed with my Anna’s costume and Andrew’s Kristoff (who had a little boy approach him to take a picture). At some point someone sang the first line of “For the First Time of Forever“, I picked it up, Lexi joined in and soon we had a chorus of 3 voices perfectly in tune singing the song. I could hear little voices in the line, saying “Mama, who is singing? Who’s singing, Mama?” hahaha
Those are the kind of times that I wish I could just have a video button handy.
So eventually we made it to see the princesses. Lexi was SMITTEN by Elsa. I mean I had never seen her be so timid with anyone. So cute!
Then we went over to see Rapunzel and Cinderella, since they had no wait at all. She was her normal self with Rapunzel, all crazy and excited.
Probably feeding off of Rapunel’s personality which was a perfect match to hers and they giggled together for a very long time. Until Lexi got curious about who was next door.
After meeting Cinderella, we all happily ran out of the “castle rooms” and left for home. She was asleep before we got to our room and was up bright and early at 7 am (despite the late night) ready to go for the day. Mommy and Daddy were exhausted and she looked like she didn’t stay up late the night before, silly girl.
Well… I didn’t think I’d get to blog about this, considering the madness going on over at Daily Mom before the holidays, but I am glad I did 🙂
We have so many awesome plans for the holidays that I would love to share on the blog, but most likely I will get too busy to post about all of it. Mickey’s Christmas Party is coming, New year’s Eve and Brick Drop at Legoland, Christmas at Gaylord’s in Orlando, my mom visiting in January, a birthday party to plan and host and finally our first cruise with Lexi in February.
Excited to hear about your upcoming cruise! We are thinking of doing a short one in May but still deciding because we just did the Maui thing in Oct. and also not sure if DD will get motion sick on the boat.
LOL, you’re absolutely right – the trick or treating places were SO random! It was like a cruel joke, we couldn’t even find most of them. Eventually we decided the cost of Disney is so pricey with the party tickets (even though we’re passholders as well) that it makes no sense to waste hours waiting in line for inexpensive candy. We did what you did – we rode rides instead. I think we stood in one trick or treat line. It moved fast, but you’re right – it was just an employee and it was EXTREMELY random.
Hahaha! Totally! We figured out the same thing. It was fun to dress up and all, but it’s definitely not for trick or treating. We did one line as well. We might go again just so that we had a special place to visit while wearing costumes, but certain not expect much from the trick or treating part.
Yeah, we really enjoyed the parade and the villan theme so we’ll probably go back next year. Is the Christmas party way better? I need to do that one.
I have NEVER done a Christmas party. But we have ticket this year for the 14th, so we will see!
We recently took our crew on a cruise (5 year old twins and 3 year old singleton) and OMG we had an absolute blast!
Oh I can’t wait!!!
Whoa that Elsa is gorgeous! ! She looks like a supermodel! I live in CA and have never seen Elsa look like that here at disneyland.
Lexi’s face meeting the princesses was priceless! So adorable 🙂
I love when the whole family gets in on a costume theme! She will totally remember this kind of stuff when she grows up.
Very true! It was the best!