One of the most magical experience we have ever had as a family was visiting Christmas Markets in Germany. While it might not seem like the most welcoming time of the year in terms of weather, I think after having experienced it that I would …
Everything You Wanted to Know about Christmas Markets in Germany
by elena -
Weekend Trips: Things to Do in Portland With Kids
by elenaA few years ago Lexi and I grabbed our best friends and jetted off to the other side of the country. This is the kind of adventures we got into and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Today I wanted to share this trip…
Do you know what I love about this age the most? The Joy. That adulterated, uncontainable joy that Lexi experiences. I’ve never seen anyone’s eyes sparkle so much, anyone smile so passionately and so authentically.
5 things your preschooler will LOVE at the Mall of America
by elenaTowards the end of winter, I decided to take Lexi with me to Minnesota for a week. I wasn’t sure what we would do there but I wanted to go somewhere with her and since I was already planning a trip there, I took her…
As I am sitting here at 11:40 pm on a Wednesday night, two days late on my promised (to myself) weekly post, trying to decide what I can write about that I have the inspiration for and doesn’t take literally 4-5 hours to complete (writing…
It’s funny because I remember preparing for our first flight last year. I was (almost) terrified. 5 hours in one seat! Lexi had NEVER been able to sit still. Long car trips could be a nightmare, but at least you can stop. I had no idea…
Disney World for 2 Year Olds
by elenaThis post is catered towards walking 1,2 and 3 year olds and their parents who want a quick overview of things, and don’t have time to go in-depth. The guide is obviously subjective, but having gone to Disney about 15-20 times with a baby and…
Disney trips… We’ve had two more visits to Disney since the first one and I am just now posting the photos and a quick recap of the Epcot and Magic Kingdom visit when Alexis was 7 months old. I know it’ pretty bad. But what…
Garden Tea Party At Disney World with an Infant
by elenaThis is my favorite picture post of ALL TIME! Other Disney posts: Disney Trip 1 Disney’s Animal Kingdom: Trip 1 Disney’s Epcot and Magic Kingdom: Trip 1 Disney World with an infant Disney at 10 Months Disney at 13 Months While at Disney we booked…